Start by adding water to the pot and bringing it to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the grains and reduce the heat to medium-low. Cover the pot and allow it to simmer per the times listed below. 

Type Quantity Liquid Simmer Time
Steel Cut Oats 1 cup 3 cups 20 minutes
Brown Rice 1 cup 2 cups 40-60 minutes
Quinoa* 1 cup 2 cups 20 minutes
Wild Rice 1 cup 4 cups 45-60 minutes
Amaranth 1 cup 2 1/2 cups 25 minutes
Millet 1 cup 3 cups 20-25 minutes
Barley 1 cup 3 cups 45-60 minutes
Oat Groats 1 cup 3 cups 40 minutes
Rye Berries 1 cup 3 cups 50-60 minutes
Sorghum 1 cup 3 cups 60 minutes
Teff 1 cup 2 cups 8-10 minutes
Farro 1 cup 3 cups 30 minutes

*Make sure to rinse quinoa prior to cooking. It contains a natural insecticide that will give it a bitter taste. 

If you like your grains slightly more chewy, reduce the cooking time by 1-2 minutes. Be sure to drain any excess liquid.