St. Peter's Health is proud to offer telehealth care through several virtual platforms. If you have an appointment for a virtual visit, you can find your provider's profile to join a virtual waiting room or get more information about the Tytocare platform on this page. 

Don't have an appointment?

To use telehealth platforms for a virtual visit, you must be an established patient and have a scheduled appointment. To establish care or schedule an appointment, please contact us at 406-457-4180. 

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Join virtual waiting room for scheduled appointment

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Find Your Provider: Primary and Specialty Care Virtual Visits

If you have a scheduled appointment for a virtual visit with a primary or specialty care provider, find your provider by clicking "Show Doctors" then using the search filters. Once you are viewing your provider's profile card on this page, select "Click for Virtual Visits" under their name and follow the instructions in the popup box.



The Tytocare platform is no longer being used for telehealth appointments. Please contact your provider if you need more information about your telehealth appointment.