Various community support groups meet at St. Peter’s Health and around Helena each month.  

Ability Montana Women's Group

Join Ability Montana Women's Group for crafts, recipe sharing, women's issues disscussions, specific discussions regarding women living with disabilities and much more! Meetings take place from 1-2 p.m. every other Wednesday at Ability Montana's Helena office at 825 Great Northern Blvd. Suite 105. For more information and exact meeting dates, contact Allison F. or Maria S. at 406-442-5755 or or

Alzheimer's Support Group

This group is for anyone impacted by dementia, whether you are a patient or caregiver or just somebody with questions about Alzheimer’s. You do not need a diagnosis to attend; everyone is welcome. The group meets the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of every month from 7 - 9 pm unless the day falls on a major holiday. Meetings take place at the City/County Building, Room 326 at 316 N. Park. Video conference options via Zoom are also available. Please call Cindy Stevick at 406-431-0452 with any questions.

Bariatric Support Group

We invite you to attend a FREE Bariatric Support Group Meeting. These support groups are for those who have undergone or are considering Bariatric Surgery (lap band, gastric sleeve or gastric bypass). Discussions will range from nutritional information to open discussions for guests to share experiences. Held the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm at St. Peter's Health. For questions, please call 406-465-7618

Diabetes Support Group


Grief Support Group

St. Peter's Hospice periodically offers a 7-week grief support group focusing on the unique pathways of grief and strategies for self-care and personal growth. The group is for adults and is free of charge and open to the public. Registration is required and group size is limited. To register, call Karissa Bennett at 406-431-5006 or Grant Fairbrother at 406-447-2464.

Loss of Family Member or Friend to Suicide Support Group

The Community Suicide Support Group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the St. Peter's Health Regional Medical Center (hospital) in meeting Rooms 2-3. Please enter through the Main Entrance to find Rooms 2-3. For more information please contact: Jason McNees at, 406-475-5003, or Gloria Soja at, 406-545-8645.

Ostomy Support Group


The Helena Ostomy Support Group is a place to meet other ostomates and gain more knowledge about ostomies. Dedicated to helping patients with intestinal or urinary diversion return to everyday living, the Ostomy Support Group provides education, information, support, advocacy and open discussion regarding ostomy issues. Patients, families, friends and caregivers are all invited to join. Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 5 pm, starting July 18th, 2023, in the 1-2-3 Conference Rooms at the St. Peters Health Regional Medical Center (across from the cafeteria; enter through the main entrance of the hospital).

Registration is not required. For more information, please contact Angela Tracey at (406) 447-2705.

Learn more about stoma complications

Pregnancy Loss Support

This group meets on an as-needed basis. Please call Terri Temple at 406-459-4981 to express interest or gain more information.