St. Peter’s believes in fostering a supportive, positive climate of fun and camaraderie which in turn helps people adopt or maintain a healthy way of living. Our challenges are designed and led by registered dietitians and certified health coaches. 

Hike It & Strike It Challenge


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Stretch Challenge

A wintertime, 3-week initiative that's designed to inspire individuals to incorporate stretching into their daily routines. As the colder months can lead to increased muscle tightness and decreased flexibility, this challenge encourages participants to dedicate just a few minutes each day to stretch their bodies.

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Sugar Challenge

The free, annual 31-day Sugar Challenge occurs every January and teaches you how to give your brain and body a break from added sugar after the holidays.

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Whole Foods Challenge

The St. Peter’s Health Whole Food Challenge is a self-guided assessment focused on helping participants understand and follow a whole foods, plant-based diet plan. Whole foods with minimal processing and natural ingredients are the nourishment we need to live well. Eating more natural, healthy whole foods instead of highly processed “food product” can help improve overall health, and studies have shown it can also help lower the risks of chronic illness like high blood pressure and diabetes.

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