St. Peter's Health is proud to offer telehealth care through several virtual platforms. If you have an appointment for a virtual visit with a clinical nutritionist or dietitian, you can enter their virtual waiting room on this page. To find other caregivers offering virtual visits, click here

Don't have an appointment?

To use telehealth platforms for a virtual visit, you must be an established patient and have a scheduled appointment. To establish care or schedule an appointment, please contact us at 406-457-4180. 

Join virtual waiting room for scheduled appointment

If you have a scheduled appointment for a virtual visit with a clinical nutritionist or dietitian, you can enter their virtual waiting room by reviewing the terms below, then finding your provider and clicking "Agree & Enter Waiting Room" under their image. Please enter the waiting room 5-10 minutes before the start of your scheduled appointment.

Review Terms

  • My voice, images and medical information may be recorded by Microsoft. I consent to all such audio and video recording and understand the same is not owned or stored by St. Peter’s Health.
  • I agree that certain situations are inappropriate for telemedicine services. If I am in crisis or in an emergency, I will immediately call 9-1-1.
  • Telemedicine based services are not as complete as face-to-face care. I understand this may prevent making a diagnosis and require in-person evaluation.
  • I acknowledge there are potential privacy and security risks to telemedicine, such as interruptions, unauthorized access, breach of privacy, technical difficulties, and call termination.
  • The Notice of Privacy Practices and additional information on the risks of telehealth is available here.


Find your clinical nutritionist or dietitian

Dietitian and Diabetes Care Education Specialists

Sue Larson, CDCES, MS, RDN, BC-ADM Melissa Tyvand, RDN, CDCES Cynthia Overturf CDCES, MS, RDN, BC-ADM

SUe Larson

Agree & Enter Waiting Room


Melissa Tyvand

Agree & Enter Waiting Room


Cynthia Overturf

Agree & Enter Waiting Room


Clinical nutritionist

Jennifer Colegrove, RDN


jennifer colegrove

Agree & Enter Waiting Room
