Fred C. Olson Learning and Development Institute 

Since October 2020, we have witnessed an outpouring of support for the Institute, with committed donations amounting to an impressive $2.61M. The Foundation's ultimate goal is to nurture these funds and see them flourish, aspiring to reach a remarkable $10 million by December 2028.

Current endowed scholarship funds supporting our employees and the community include:

Scholarships established with the help of many generous donors to help our St. Peter’s Health team members grow and thrive. We drive excellence through learning, innovation and continuous improvement. All St. Peter’s team members are eligible to apply for the Olson Employee Education Endowed Scholarship.

Scholarships established by Dianne Armstrong, a dedicated St. Peter’s nurse of almost 44 years, to help with tuition and other related costs for St. Peter's employees pursuing a career in nursing. Read Dianne's full story.

This fund exists to provide educational scholarships for students of Helena College after acceptance by Helena College into the college's RN or LPN programs. Student applicants and recipients of this scholarship are not required or expected to be employed by St. Peter's Health prior to acceptance of the scholarship, after acceptance of the scholarship, or upon completion of their Helena College RN or LPN degree program. Scholarship dollar amounts awarded each year will be determined by the selection committee. Helena College RN or LPN program scholarship recipients may be eligible for the scholarship in subsequent years as long as they are making progress toward degree completion and are students in good standing.

Scholarships established in memory of St. Peter’s nurse Deborrah “Debbie” Daehn by family, friends and co-workers to support St. Peter’s nurses (including LPNs) in advancing their education.

Scholarships established by Martha and Dr. Hawkins to provide education to St. Peter’s respiratory health staff as well as support for respiratory health services and patient assistance.

Scholarships established by Liz and Dr. Ken Eden to support nurse education with preference given to endoscopy nurses and emergency room nurses.

Scholarships established by twin sisters Elaine and Edna Fordyce to support St. Peter’s nurses and non-employee public health nurses in the Helena area seeking an advanced nursing degree.

Scholarships established in memory of the late Kay Sullivan by friends to provide education opportunities for St. Peter’s Hospice team members.

The Gold Standard fund will be used to support healthcare excellence in Helena and across Montana. This scholarship aims to advance workforce solutions, emphasizing patient outcomes and the gold standard in healthcare implementation.

The primary purpose of the Lorna and Stephen Mason Native American Scholarship endowed fund exists to provide educational scholarships to help tribal nation citizens employed by St. Peter’s Health grow and thrive by attaining their degree, certification or formal skills training. This endowed scholarship fund, at the discretion of the St. Peter’s Health scholarship selection committee, may be awarded to future St. Peter’s Health employees who are tribal nation citizens pursing degrees, certifications or skills training in areas deemed critical to the St. Peter’s Health workforce.

This fund may be used to educate and train St. Peter’s Health staff providing mental and behavioral health care to include scholarships for employees pursuing a degree, certification or advanced skills training.

Scholarships established by Pamela and Eric Schindler to support St. Peter’s team members who are members of our Cancer Care team or engaged in cancer patient care in the St. Peter’s system. Pam and Eric created the fund to celebrate the life of Pam's mother Maxine Reese.

Scholarships established by the Patricia Hoksbergen Charitable Trust to help St. Peter's  team members grow and thrive by attaining their degree, certification or formal skills training.

The Rosslyn K. and Joseph F. Duncan Endowed Nursing Scholarship in Memory of Dona M. Kamerad, RN provides educational scholarships for employees of St. Peter’s Health who are nurses seeking an advanced nursing degree. Rosslyn “Ross” Duncan created this fund in memory of her mother Dona Kamerad, R.N. who enjoyed a distinguished career in nursing.

Scholarships established by Mountain Pacific Health Plans and other generous donors in honor of Sara Medley to help St. Peter's team members grow and thrive by attaining their degree, certification or formal skills training.

The Treacy Endowed Scholarship is available to St. Peter's Health employees at any FTE level. Scholarships must be used for educational purposes that will enable hospital-related career development of the employee. Joan Treacy Holter created this endowed scholarship fund in loving memory of her father, John Lear Treacy.

To learn more about this giving opportunity, contact Foundation Vice President Stephen Mason at 406-461-3983 or

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