March 6, 2025
St. Peter’s Health is proud to be recognized once again as a Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. This prestigious award highlights outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals, based on the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX. Now in its 15th year, the INDEX stands as the industry’s most comprehensive and objective evaluation of rural hospital performance. By leveraging publicly available data, it serves as a vital tool for rural hospitals, health systems, hospital associations, and state offices of rural health to assess and enhance performance in key operational and financial areas.
St. Peter’s Chief Executive Officer Wade Johnson believes this recognition reflects the team's shared dedication to meeting the needing the needs of its community. "St. Peter’s has been serving Helena and the surrounding areas for over a century, even before Montana became a state in 1889. As we embark on the next one hundred years, our promise is to serve every patient, every person, every time with outstanding hospitality, compassionate care, and top-notch clinical outcomes,” said Johnson.