Our Philosophy

Aiming to ensure that every mother is fully informed of the importance of breastfeeding and receives the help she needs to achieve her infant-feeding goals. 

We respect that breastfeeding is not possible for some mothers, that supplementation is sometimes medically appropriate and that some mothers will choose not to breastfeed.

Every mother has the right to access evidence-based information, free from commercial interests, to help her decide how to feed her baby and should be equally supported and treated with dignity and respect for her infant-feeding decision.

What is the Goal of the Infant Nutrition Program?

The goal is to help mothers successfully feed their newborns in the manner they choose. The Infant Nutrition team gives mothers the information, confidence and skills necessary to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies. This includes supporting families who have a medical indication or have made an informed decision to use formula, helping teach them how to safely prepare and feed using formula. 


Who Makes up the Team and how can I Contact them?

The Infant Nutrition Program is staffed with registered nurses who have specialized training. They hold certifications as either a Clinical Lactation Counselor (CLC) or Internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and are available seven days a week. They see every family in the Labor and Delivery unit to assess feedings and provide information, but mothers can also call to set up appointments before birth or after discharge to assist in feeding success. These appointments do NOT need provider referral to be seen. Call 406-444-2211 to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns

Birth Weight

Infants are expected to lose a percentage of their birth weight. Weight stabilization typically happens on day three or four of life, with infants expected to return to their birth weight around 10-14 days of age.

How often should newborns feed?

Newborns should feed effectively at least 8 times in 24 hours.

Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Learning practical skills such as positioning, attachment, on-demand feeding and recognizing feeding cues are very important for success. Families presented with up-to-date information on best practices regarding skin-to-skin contact, initiation of breastfeeding and rooming-in find greater success. Being informed about possible challenges breastfeeding mothers might face (such as engorgement or a perception of not producing enough milk) and how to address them is also beneficial.

How can scheduled outpatient visits help?

Outpatient lactation visits help with a variety of breastfeeding concerns including difficult or painful latch and weighted feedings to assess the volume of milk a newborn is consuming.