Montana Harvest of the Month logo

Access to and education about healthy foods is critical to good health, that’s why St. Peter’s has invested in helping connect groups across our community to opportunities for nutrition education and access to local, healthy foods through the Montana Harvest of the Month Program.

Our Harvest of the Month Community Coordinator Kim Lloyd uses Harvest of the Month to:

  • Coordinate lessons and taste tests taught by Carroll College and high school students in Helena elementary classrooms
  • Lead garden and nutrition-education booths at local farmers markets and health fairs
  • Share food and recipes through monthly Charlie Cart demonstrations featuring locally-grown, nutritious foods available at Helena Food Share
  • Coordinate Harvest of the Month tastings and menu features at St. Peter’s Health Continental Café

To learn more or inquire about educational opportunities, contact Kim Lloyd at or (406) 457-4166. 

Charlie Cart Recipes 

Monthly resources

Virtual Field Trips: Grains | Beef | Dairy

January: Winter Squash  February: BeetsMarch: Grains

Winter squash are loaded with vitamins A and C and provide approximately the same amount of potassium as bananas

Nitrates improve oxygen blood flow, and energy use during exercise. Learn more

beets illustration

Soluble fiber in WHOLE grains can reduce the risk of heart disease. Learn more

grains illustration
April: Beef and BisonMay: ChickpeasJune: Leafy Greens

Both are high in protein which helps to build and repair muscles. Learn more

beef illustration

65-75% of chickpea fiber is insoluble, great for digestion and colon. Learn more

chickpeas illustration

Most greens provide vitamin K, which helps the body heal cuts and scrapes. Learn more

leafy greens illustration
July: Summer SquashAugust: CherriesSeptember: Herbs

Summer squash are a good source of vitamin C and potassium and contain manganese and vitamin B6. 

One cup of cherries contains more potassium than a banana. Learn more 

cherries illustration

Herbs contain vitamins, have anti-inflammatory properties, and are rich in antioxidants.

dill illustration
October: ApplesNovember: CarrotsDecember: Lentils

Apples contain quercetin an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-depressive effects. Learn more

apples illustration

Vitamin A promotes good vision, Vitamin C promotes a healthy immune system. Learn more

carrots illustration

Lentils are a good source of non-heme iron. Eat with vitamin C to enhance iron absorption. Learn more 

lentil plant illustration
HOM cafe chickpeas
HOM carrots
HOM farmers market
HOM food share beets